An Ode To Full Moon 19th July

Posted: July 18, 2016

Use this Full Moon energy to purge things out, and discard redundant patterns, deep rooted fear from the sub-conciseness…and remember to put a lid on it for good. Stay grounded as the Sun and the Moon are are in opposite zodiac. Cancer and Capricorn….Cancer’s need to cling and be emotional and Capricorns need to deal with the rationale. Maintain the balance of the yin and yang of solar and lunar harmony.

Beyond Fear Lies Freedom

Posted: May 11, 2016

Love is not something we give or get; it is something that we nurture and grow, a connection that can only be cultivated between two people when it exists within each one of them – we can only love others as much as we love ourselves. Shame, blame, disrespect, betrayal, and the withholding of affection damage the roots from which love grows. Love can only survive these injuries if they are acknowledged, healed and rare.

Are You An Emotional Bully?

Posted: April 27, 2016

In any case, there shouldn’t even be such a thing as retribution in a relationship. There is simply no room for it. And this is non negotiable in a relationship. Just because you do something wrong doesn’t mean you ought to be subjected to punishment. If your partner chooses to punish you by cutting you off , isolating you and perusing his own interests or doing things to make you feel guilty, then it’s not fair to you. Mistakes are inevitable in a relationship, but if you’re made to feel guilty and your morality is going to be questioned, maybe you need to give a hard look at your relationship.

Vulnerability And You

Posted: April 7, 2016

Being vulnerable with people we love is often like stripping your clothes – it’s stepping out of our inhibitions, our fears and exposing ourselves with a hope that we would be understood. It is the bravest thing that we can do in a relationship. And being the vulnerable one in a relationship can be challenging. Not just because of what it allows or doesn’t allow for, but also because it’s difficult to cope with. Being vulnerable and being the only one vulnerable just adds to your vulnerability. It is something which is often confused with being sensitive.

Baggage: that is not your own…

Posted: March 22, 2016

Our ego’s are sneaky little children who will pop up at an inopportune moment and pat our back validating our own sense of guilt to help the one we love. And at times even bring our baggage and compare it with the one who’s suffering. We feel victimised even hurt on our good intentions being brushed aside but seldom do we pause to think that it has very less to do with our past or our baggage.

Are You Addicted To Love?

Posted: November 9, 2015

Just because something is addictive doesn’t mean that you will get addicted to it. But . . . if your stomach ties up in knots while you count the seconds waiting for a phone call from that special someone . . . if you hear a loud buzzing in your ears when you see a certain person’s car (or one just like it) . . . if your eyes burn when you hear a random love song or see a couple holding hands . . . if you suffer the twin agonies of craving for and withdrawing from a series of unrequited crushes or toxic relationships . . . if you always feel like you’re clutching at someone’s ankle and dragged across the floor as they try to leave the room . . . welcome to the club.

Be the Chiron and Heal

Posted: October 25, 2015

In 2015 we also had the gentle Chiron make it’s presence felt. Each time Uranus caused havoc and Saturn watched grimly while Pluto un-relentlessly dug open old wounds – I looked for Chiron’s presence. As long as he was around – I knew things would be fine. Challenging yes, but fine. As we are in the process of wrapping up 2015 – remind yourselves of people around you, people who maybe just need to be heard. Try not to judge. You’re not wearing their shoes, try not not to mock/scoff when they carry on like a stuck record, you don’t know their story or what they are dealing with. Be kind, try be the Chiron in someone’s life.

Change, And Welcome The New You

Posted: October 23, 2015

Relationships provide constant experiencing on many levels. Often, we enter into a relationship out of Karmic obligation or in order to learn something about ourselves that this particular relationship can activate. Some enter relationships out of Karmic obligation to bring children into the world. Then, it dissipates.

A Time For Resurrection: Durga Pujo, Dusshera & Diwali

Posted: October 22, 2015

The Judgement card brings a past situation back into being and breathes new life into it, so something is revived and resurrected. The image in the card is often likened to Judgement Day but the theme is not one of being judged, it’s more in keeping with an awakening of the soul released from the past and born anew. There can also be a sense of karma, in reaping what you have previously sown.