This July 2021 Full Moon Aquarius seals about personal freedom to choose, it brings our home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus. We can expect some friction with authority figures or even a friction in finding our balance between what we need versus what we want, creating an inner tension and external pressures.
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4 Tips To Date A Virgo
Posted: September 6, 2020
Virgos look for someone who is a good company so they can spend time just chatting about life and what is happening about the universe. Virgos love taking care of their partners or love interests…I think personally they seek reassurance and support from their partners in times of pain and turmoil.
Define your own grieving – it may take a few months, it may take years. There’s no rush. There are no rules for healing. Nor a time frame.
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Loving Without Fear: The Acceptance Game
Posted: January 11, 2019
“Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection.” — Brene Brown We are taught as children to be selfless, to be okay when…
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Freedom Means Love
Posted: August 15, 2017
“Love that restrains isn’t love. It’s insecurity. We may tell others how we feel about something that they do or don’t do. We may make decisions as a reaction to…
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What To Do When You Hate Your Job
Posted: August 12, 2017
First of all, it is a sad situation that the work you do, does not make you satisfied or give a sense of accomplishment. You career is a big part…
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The Stubborn, Unbending, Persistent Lunar Eclipse In Aquarius 7th Aug 2017
Posted: August 6, 2017
Most astrologers seem to agree on the fact that the month of August 2017 looks incredibly intense, with some already feeling the heat of the oncoming eclipses. With an impending…
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Rules Of Happiness & Why It Is Overrated…
Posted: August 5, 2017
There are those who claim they don’t chase it, yet seek the perfection of harmony in a relationship which is as elusive as the holy grail. Yet, they pursue –…
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A Letter To Your Soul When The World Seems Out Of Whack
Posted: August 2, 2017
I have hated the word “manage” “adjust” “cope”….how do you do that I wondered, when I lost someone I loved. I was convinced the pain would never go away and…
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Are You In Love With A Narcissist?
Posted: July 25, 2017
The term narcissism is related to Greek mythology and the story of Narcissus. Narcissus was handsome, self-involved, arrogant and in love with his own image. He couldn’t tear himself away…