Solar Eclipse in Aries

March 29, 2025: The Great Aries & Solar Eclipse – A Cosmic Reset

Posted: March 23, 2025 by Anisha

Aries (1st House of Self): The biggest transformation! Aries will undergo major identity shifts, personal breakthroughs, and fated changes. Expect deep realizations about your path, health, and ambitions. This is a defining moment!

Pisces (12th House of Endings & Spirituality): A profound transformation—new beginnings, identity shifts, and spiritual awakenings.

Virgo (7th House of Relationships): Partnerships under the microscope; some will dissolve, while new karmic connections emerge.

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The Stubborn, Unbending, Persistent Lunar Eclipse In Aquarius 7th Aug 2017

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Are You In Love With A Narcissist?

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There Are No Accidents In Choosing The People We Love….

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