Baggage: that is not your own…

Posted: March 22, 2016

Our ego’s are sneaky little children who will pop up at an inopportune moment and pat our back validating our own sense of guilt to help the one we love. And at times even bring our baggage and compare it with the one who’s suffering. We feel victimised even hurt on our good intentions being brushed aside but seldom do we pause to think that it has very less to do with our past or our baggage.

Be the Chiron and Heal

Posted: October 25, 2015

In 2015 we also had the gentle Chiron make it’s presence felt. Each time Uranus caused havoc and Saturn watched grimly while Pluto un-relentlessly dug open old wounds – I looked for Chiron’s presence. As long as he was around – I knew things would be fine. Challenging yes, but fine. As we are in the process of wrapping up 2015 – remind yourselves of people around you, people who maybe just need to be heard. Try not to judge. You’re not wearing their shoes, try not not to mock/scoff when they carry on like a stuck record, you don’t know their story or what they are dealing with. Be kind, try be the Chiron in someone’s life.

Change, And Welcome The New You

Posted: October 23, 2015

Relationships provide constant experiencing on many levels. Often, we enter into a relationship out of Karmic obligation or in order to learn something about ourselves that this particular relationship can activate. Some enter relationships out of Karmic obligation to bring children into the world. Then, it dissipates.

You Don’t Have To Be Cruel To Be Kind

Posted: August 25, 2015

As a Tarot reader, I am often caught in the dilemma of telling the brutal truth as it is or gently make the person understand the background and from where all the chaos was stemming from. The cards will clearly shout, “it’s futile, a dead end” to which I would decipher as “maybe the exhaustion of seeing the situation consistently with the same tired eyes, refuses to see the tiny window which is partially opened.

Abandonment & Tarot

Posted: August 6, 2015

Be fearless. Rather than break – rise. Accept, embrace that people are people – they change. Don’t get defensive and push people away. Importantly, DON’T blame yourself. It’s a understandable reaction, but an inappropriate one. If others couldn’t love us, or love us in ways that worked, that’s not our fault. Learn to separate yourselves from the behavior of others. And take responsibility for your healing, regardless of the people around you.

Eternal Love | Tarot Card Of Lovers

Posted: August 2, 2015

Learn to walk light, leave the baggage down. It’s a long journey. And the road can get treacherous. Wear your pain easily as you would wear your happiness. Even when you feel it’s killing you – tread gently. Don’t let grief and despair chain you. Don’t be in a hurry to heal and be whole. If you feel broken, so be it – let the gaps get filled with understanding and compassion.