Letting Go Of 2016….

Posted: December 16, 2016 by Anisha

Let go of 2016 with grace, with compassion and acknowledging that you’ve come a long way. Sure, there were better routes, maybe smoother one’s but you chose what you knew  was the best route to your knowledge. If the lessons have been hard and cruel, acknowledge them and know time does not heal all wounds but allows us to cope with them. You are fine, you will be fine. Maybe it still looks dark, maybe you still feel lost and that’s okay. Embrace your uncertainty, embrace your aches and know you did your best. Accept, don’t dramatise, stay easy , stay light.

Let go judging yourself, yet simply ask what you could have done differently. Would it still have gotten you the desired results? You would only know, if you would try another way. Hold yourself accountable and take action on what you’ve learned. Stop keeping lists of how you have been wronged. Taking responsibility means you allow yourself to be vulnerable and open in the world. It’s okay to fall, it’s okay to fail as long as you can pick yourself up and start walking again. If amazing stuff is happening, you played a role. If tough stuff is happening, you played a role.

For me this is not about focusing on something and expecting to magically conjure it into existence but simply focusing on the good. By focusing on what I can do next. Does a certain situation seem futile? Do you constantly feel undermined, criticised, unloved? Do I live in fear or do I live in abundance? Do I choose to ignore or do I choose to deal with it?

End of 2016, look back, ask yourself, what is my focus right now? Am I focusing on something I want or something I don’t want? Am I seeing the opportunities or only the obstacles? What am I looking at? What am I willing to give? Do I want to live in regret or do smile back at life, tighten my gloves and beckon it back for another round?

Let go of what did not work out, what could have/should have, the disappointment of working in a place that ignores your potential, maybe a state of being in and out of jobs or the people you loved and did not love you back. The friends who chose to see you in pain and look through your pain, the disappointments of not being loved enough, of being let down. ACCEPT it all with gentleness – look at these hurts with compassion.

Choose to move beyond the self defeating beliefs that you’ve told yourself over and over again, “I will never be happy, I can never find love, I can never find a job that makes me happy”,” my situation will never change”.  Tell yourself, “I am worthy”.  Focus on the small moments of happiness that you felt, snuggling early in the morning, the kindness given by random strangers, the cab that arrived on time, the gym session you aced, the pure joy on your child’s face when you hugged them or your quite walks holding hands.

The universe has not forgotten you, you are loved, your are cared for…you matter.


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