My New Work Place

Posted: December 3, 2011 by Anisha

Hmmmm So what do you think? I heard a hint of irritation in the voice I was recently reading for. Do you think the new place will work for me? Will I be able to do my work effectively? Will my colleagues appreciate me? How soon will I get promoted? I was reading for a very successful corporate executive who was in the process of serving his notice period and joining another company. He had not left on a very good note and I could sense had not our common friend pushed him for this reading he would not have come. In fact he had (like a lot of corporate first timers) told me on meeting that he didnt know what the hell was he doing here.

Interestingly the cards he pulled out had 8 of pentacles prominently featuring with adjoining similar cards resonating the core of 8 of pentacles.
The Eight of Pentacles is the card of prudence and preparation. A woodworker, seated at his workbench, is carving a series of pentacles. A skilled craftsman, it looks as though he is continually perfecting his skills—and at the same time, he’s managing to produce marketable wares. He displays his work prominently, and he works in full view of customers and passerby. The eight of pentacles Tarot card asks us to raise the bar and consistently enhance our focus on being remarkable.

I also think, somewhere this card questions us what “success” means to us, and how we can incorporate that element of extraordinary elegance in every action we take to our achievements. With this card, one doesnt get the impression that this chap jumped out of bed that morning and went ‘yeah! I’m going to make loads of money or I am super successful!’

It’s a card of perseverence and work, committing yourself to your task and enjoying it and believing in it enough to do a little more every day. Either way, this card shows a labour of love. It says ‘there are no quick fixes’, and reminds me that to achive my goals, commitment, persistence and hard work are required.”

When this card shows up as an indication of a fortune related to your job or career, this probably means that you have just switched into a new career, or that you were dealt some job esponsibilities that you were previously unfamiliar with. This does not mean that you are going to fail. On the contrary, it shows that your spirit in pioneering the new job or responsibilities is commendable. You will do the best you can to see that the job is done even if you do not fully understand it. This marks a great worker and any company would be happy to have you working for them.

I subscribe to Mike Dooley’s posts which I find very comforting. Reading Mike’s posts reminds me that I am someone who benefits from a little routine in my life. Not too much of course, but to accomplish something simple like this each day would probably do me good. I’m all to familiar with the scenario where we say ‘it’s a whole new me! I’m gonna do xxx every day from now on!’ and three days later it’s like ‘ummm….’

But this isn’t about flashy resolutions or the inevitable guilt-trips – it’s about channelling a little of that 8 of Pentacles thing, and applying a little more of myself each day to keep my Tarot learning on a roll. I want to have the self dicipline and commitment to find time each day to sit down, draw a card, and spend a moment really focusing on this one thing.

Also I have realised that when I find something to be grateful for EVERY day….it makes everything around me so much more beautiful and awesome.

And yes, my skeptical friend has joined his new work place and besides the hard work he is putting in – he is learning to be appreciative each day.

1 Comment

  • Crissy Teachman December 3, 2011 at 5:58 pm

    Fine job! More please.


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