October 2017 Full Moon: Claim Back Your Life

Posted: October 4, 2017 by Anisha

The October Full Moon is also called the Harvest Moon, which marks the beginning of the harvest season, a time when farmers get ready for winters by storing their ready crops.

Harvest Moon is the name is given to the Full Moon which is closest to the September equinox, which is the start of fall in astronomy. The month of the Harvest Moon usually falls in September, but since the  astronomical seasons do not match up with the lunar month, the month varies. Usually, every three years, it is in the month of October. It is famous for often having an orange-red glow which occurs when the moon is spotted near the horizon, depending from which part of the work you are viewing it. However, on reaching it’s full manifestation, it attains normal colour.

This Full Moon is about coming out of the shadows. Since it’s in in the house of relationships for Libra – it’s about maintaining balance between the ego and the heart. It’s the time to make decisions about what no longer feels right and clear the way for yourself. Don’t be self delusional about your personal relationships. If you are not respected now, you won’t be in the future.

October’s Full Moon carries a lot of power and urges you to dig deep and explore your full potential so you can live your life authentically without apologising for yourself.

Keep other’s needs in consideration without compromising on your values.


  • Radha October 8, 2017 at 4:39 pm

    Can i ask u for my personal reading?


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