Vulnerability And You

Posted: April 7, 2016

Being vulnerable with people we love is often like stripping your clothes – it’s stepping out of our inhibitions, our fears and exposing ourselves with a hope that we would be understood. It is the bravest thing that we can do in a relationship. And being the vulnerable one in a relationship can be challenging. Not just because of what it allows or doesn’t allow for, but also because it’s difficult to cope with. Being vulnerable and being the only one vulnerable just adds to your vulnerability. It is something which is often confused with being sensitive.

Working Through Intimacy

Posted: March 30, 2016

Unfortunately, most of us grow up thinking, “love is easy or effortless” and the thought of working on a relationship itself is perceived as a tedious task. We hesitate in our hearts and minds to “work through it” because relationships that require work are difficult relationships. Thanks to the information we pick up during our growing years through movies or books, where love is all about oneness, sunsets and did I forget to mention easy. Boy meets girl, falls in love and they zoom off somewhere lovely!

Baggage: that is not your own…

Posted: March 22, 2016

Our ego’s are sneaky little children who will pop up at an inopportune moment and pat our back validating our own sense of guilt to help the one we love. And at times even bring our baggage and compare it with the one who’s suffering. We feel victimised even hurt on our good intentions being brushed aside but seldom do we pause to think that it has very less to do with our past or our baggage.

Are You Addicted To Love?

Posted: November 9, 2015

Just because something is addictive doesn’t mean that you will get addicted to it. But . . . if your stomach ties up in knots while you count the seconds waiting for a phone call from that special someone . . . if you hear a loud buzzing in your ears when you see a certain person’s car (or one just like it) . . . if your eyes burn when you hear a random love song or see a couple holding hands . . . if you suffer the twin agonies of craving for and withdrawing from a series of unrequited crushes or toxic relationships . . . if you always feel like you’re clutching at someone’s ankle and dragged across the floor as they try to leave the room . . . welcome to the club.

How To Identify Toxic People And How To Get Rid Of Them

Posted: October 7, 2015

Be it your parents, your children, your closest friends, no one – no matter who they are or what position they hold in your life – has the right to infect your environment with negativity, make you feel lesser about yourself, make you question your self worth or try to force you to live the life they think is best for you. Always remember to surround yourself with people who uplift you and are good to you and for you and visit places that make you happy. Get involved with new people or engage in new situations. Focus yourself in new directions away from the toxic person you’re avoiding. Avoiding people who need to be removed from your life might be difficult at first, but eventually they will get the hint. Many relationships in our lives can end this way naturally after they’ve run their course so it can be done.

The 4th House In Astrology & Tarot : Emotional Foundations

Posted: September 24, 2015

The fourth house is also the house of our childhood and our parents childhood and so-on. It represents the circle of life and size. It’s the house of what makes us into who we are as adults and it’s our past that we like to keep private. This is where we can find “Skeletons in the closet“. It represents resources used to rear us.

You Don’t Have To Be Cruel To Be Kind

Posted: August 25, 2015

As a Tarot reader, I am often caught in the dilemma of telling the brutal truth as it is or gently make the person understand the background and from where all the chaos was stemming from. The cards will clearly shout, “it’s futile, a dead end” to which I would decipher as “maybe the exhaustion of seeing the situation consistently with the same tired eyes, refuses to see the tiny window which is partially opened.

Abandonment & Tarot

Posted: August 6, 2015

Be fearless. Rather than break – rise. Accept, embrace that people are people – they change. Don’t get defensive and push people away. Importantly, DON’T blame yourself. It’s a understandable reaction, but an inappropriate one. If others couldn’t love us, or love us in ways that worked, that’s not our fault. Learn to separate yourselves from the behavior of others. And take responsibility for your healing, regardless of the people around you.