2015: The Year Of Growth

Posted: February 8, 2015

At work, one often hears managers dealing with their teams, ” you’re incapable of completing the smallest project; we’ll give it to another manager to complete it.” In personal relationships, ” if you loved me, or understood me – you would not be like this.” With our children,” why can’t you perform better, get better grades, be better behaved etc. make us proud.” Shaming causes life long scars irrespective of the age we are at. It cripples people to move ahead.

I’m in love with love!!

Posted: March 27, 2014

like to think I am a realistic. Not that Lovers care. They don’t give a damn about reality and I don’t blame them at all. It’s all very nice in that pink bubble with hearts floating about. Because this is the card all the hopefuls want to see who come to a tarot reading asking, “Will I meet someone?” or “Is he the one?” So when I see this card for a sitter, I smile and say, “Yes. For sure. Yeah he does.” And that’s really nice. But get this, falling in love is a lot like drug addiction and temporary insanity, at least chemically speaking.

I want my wife to leave her work..

Posted: December 18, 2011

But there’s one important thing to consider when we get disappointed – we feel that way because an expectation we had is not fulfilled, whether by ourselves or by somebody else. It’s important now to give some thought to forgiveness. You don’t forgive others for THEIR sake, or because they “deserve it,” necessarily, you do it for your own sake, because holding on to anger and pain is toxic and bad for you.