Be careful of your thoughts. Catch and nip the negative thoughts in bud. If you find it hard maybe because you grew up in a place which had either constant chaos or negativity, practice saying positive affirmations to yourself.
Read moreEach relationship reaches a place where we know whether we are ready to deepen the relationship and when we are ready to call it quits.
Examine what your beliefs are about your relationship and explore the background – right till your childhood and see carefully what your attachment style is. Do you tend to walk away? Do you get needy or desperate? Do you listen yet get defensive and judgemental?
New Moon is all about new opportunities, new beginnings – a time to start a new chapter. Give yourself the benefit of doubt, pay heed to the inner voice and let the brave, courageous you soar.
Touch base. Check in. See how you feel. Listen to your body, have a conversation with it, and in the process learn to enjoy the person you discover.
We cannot erase emotional memory, we can partially bury grief related feelings by fooling the mind, but the emotional triggers are deeper and it’s hard to control them. As per research, emotional triggers are often linked with dates, events in order for our memory to remind us. For the happy memories, it’s fine but for the painful one’s, the mind tries to do the opposite of what the memory is doing – not remember.
The September 6 full moon in Pisces is strongly influenced by Neptune retrograde which is also happening in Pisces. The main themes of the September 2017 full moon are all…
I might not believe what you believe,
I might see things in a light you cannot understand,
neither are right, neither are wrong
either. We just are, and we’re
here at the same time.
Entertainment|Lifestyle|Love And Relationships
“We can’t make new old friends.”
Posted: August 27, 2017
Wearing off friendships is a painful process and at times we don’t even realise when was the exact moment when it happened and for some of us, we don’t even…
Entertainment|Lifestyle|Love And Relationships
Want To Be Happy? Let Go Of Expectations.
Posted: August 23, 2017
Love and respected cannot be asked for or even demanded. Yes, we can hope for it. But when people choose to hold them away from you, recognise it for what it is. Make space in your life to create your own happiness.