There Are No Accidents In Choosing The People We Love….

Posted: July 17, 2017

As per the Buddhist teaching, “there are no coincidences in life. The people we choose as partners have a purpose in our life. Whether it is to make us grow…

July Full Moon In Capricorn : Power Struggles & Transformation

Posted: July 9, 2017

July full moon in Capricorn will highlights power struggles in relationships. Like the cardinal cross tussel, you can expect different areas of your life at polarities with each other. The…

June Full Moon In Sagittarius: Heal and Transform Yourself

Posted: June 8, 2017

The June Full Moon is one of the most potent in 2017. It falls in  Sagittarius, bringing issues like freedom, transformation and finally optimism to surface. Jupiter is the supreme god…

3 Signs You Are In A Co Dependent Relationship

Posted: June 7, 2017

Research defines codependency as a behavioural pattern in which you constantly seek approval or validation for your self esteem and identity. It can prevent you from having a healthy relationship…

The Truth About Vulnerability

Posted: May 25, 2017

vul•ner•a•ble: capable of being physically or emotionally wounded or being open to attack or damage. The bitter truth about being vulnerable is: it’s misunderstood. Remember the times, you were asked…

Pet Therapy And Your Emotional Health

Posted: May 21, 2017

When dealing with stressful situations at work or home try playing with your pet, it can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which calm and relax. Research indicates, pet owners have lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels (indicators of heart disease) than those without pets.

Venus Retrograde & How It Will Effect You (6th March – 15th April)

Posted: January 18, 2017

Use the retrograde to evaluate rather than react or act. Yes, there are possibilities, you could become acutely aware of existing problems in your love life or unresolved issues. Venus retrograde is a good time to re-assess and re-examine our relationship values. What are the kind of people we attract in our lives? Are we constantly attracting people who put us down, mock us or are we drawing supportive and nurturing partners. There’s a strong possibility of old lovers to resurface. For some, it may become necessary to heal old wounds and put to rest old issues.

Are You An Emotional Bully?

Posted: April 27, 2016

In any case, there shouldn’t even be such a thing as retribution in a relationship. There is simply no room for it. And this is non negotiable in a relationship. Just because you do something wrong doesn’t mean you ought to be subjected to punishment. If your partner chooses to punish you by cutting you off , isolating you and perusing his own interests or doing things to make you feel guilty, then it’s not fair to you. Mistakes are inevitable in a relationship, but if you’re made to feel guilty and your morality is going to be questioned, maybe you need to give a hard look at your relationship.