The ritual of releasing – both your emotional and physical baggage which serves you no purpose is practiced across many cultures. This October 2020, we have had three moons which is not only an unusual occurrence but it also intensifies its effects. The full moon is a time to release things – physical as well as emotional that no longer serve you any purpose. And one of the most critical things could be friendships, bad habits, recognizing people who manipulate you etc.
Read moreWe cannot erase emotional memory, we can partially bury grief related feelings by fooling the mind, but the emotional triggers are deeper and it’s hard to control them. As per research, emotional triggers are often linked with dates, events in order for our memory to remind us. For the happy memories, it’s fine but for the painful one’s, the mind tries to do the opposite of what the memory is doing – not remember.
Entertainment|Lifestyle|Love And Relationships
“We can’t make new old friends.”
Posted: August 27, 2017
Wearing off friendships is a painful process and at times we don’t even realise when was the exact moment when it happened and for some of us, we don’t even…