You Don’t Have To Be Cruel To Be Kind

Posted: August 25, 2015

As a Tarot reader, I am often caught in the dilemma of telling the brutal truth as it is or gently make the person understand the background and from where all the chaos was stemming from. The cards will clearly shout, “it’s futile, a dead end” to which I would decipher as “maybe the exhaustion of seeing the situation consistently with the same tired eyes, refuses to see the tiny window which is partially opened.

Abandonment & Tarot

Posted: August 6, 2015

Be fearless. Rather than break – rise. Accept, embrace that people are people – they change. Don’t get defensive and push people away. Importantly, DON’T blame yourself. It’s a understandable reaction, but an inappropriate one. If others couldn’t love us, or love us in ways that worked, that’s not our fault. Learn to separate yourselves from the behavior of others. And take responsibility for your healing, regardless of the people around you.

Eternal Love | Tarot Card Of Lovers

Posted: August 2, 2015

Learn to walk light, leave the baggage down. It’s a long journey. And the road can get treacherous. Wear your pain easily as you would wear your happiness. Even when you feel it’s killing you – tread gently. Don’t let grief and despair chain you. Don’t be in a hurry to heal and be whole. If you feel broken, so be it – let the gaps get filled with understanding and compassion.

Hold On, Pain Ends : When All Is Not Well…

Posted: July 2, 2015

I have found at these times of unrest to focus the energies and thoughts toward gratitude. It may be as simple as sharing a meal with a dear one or cooking something special. I tend to bake a lot both when I am feeling low and when I’m happy. Which means there are phases when I am baking furiously. No one is complaining on that front though but few realize this has become by safety valve. I strongly believe if I cannot find that place or space of happiness then I must contribute it to another’s life.

Top 7 Things NOT To Say To An Aquarius

Posted: June 17, 2015

Aquarius is the 11th Sign of the Zodiac (also known as the Water Bearer), which though is known for it’s eccentricity and quirkiness, tends to be very sensitive and can easily get hurt by criticism. They enjoy the company of people who can mentally stimulate them. The ruling planets for Aquarius are Uranus and Saturn. Uranus is the planet of freedom and revolutionary vision, the urge for change and the ability to visualize new possibilities. Uranus rules Aquarius, and is also associated with mental studies, electricity and astrology.

Heartbreak And Tarot

Posted: May 12, 2015

When heart break appears in a reading it’s seldom sugar coated. It shows the relationship like it is.The beautiful thing about the most painful readings is it offers healing or a way out as well. It encourages you to look at your fears within and deal with them rather than play ostrich or the victim in your own life.

7 Things Not To Do During Mercury Retrograde

Posted: May 11, 2015

Top 7 Things Not To Do During A Mercury Retrograde
We will feel extra sensitive; everything will seem hyper-real, you will notice things you had overlooked before. This will prompt you to re-evaluate, renovate, re-form, and re-invent. It’s true you might have to redo things, because Mercury will hit the same degree three times, but what this transit won’t let you do is to go into autopilot.