2015: The Year Of Growth

Posted: February 8, 2015

At work, one often hears managers dealing with their teams, ” you’re incapable of completing the smallest project; we’ll give it to another manager to complete it.” In personal relationships, ” if you loved me, or understood me – you would not be like this.” With our children,” why can’t you perform better, get better grades, be better behaved etc. make us proud.” Shaming causes life long scars irrespective of the age we are at. It cripples people to move ahead.

I’m in love with love!!

Posted: March 27, 2014

like to think I am a realistic. Not that Lovers care. They don’t give a damn about reality and I don’t blame them at all. It’s all very nice in that pink bubble with hearts floating about. Because this is the card all the hopefuls want to see who come to a tarot reading asking, “Will I meet someone?” or “Is he the one?” So when I see this card for a sitter, I smile and say, “Yes. For sure. Yeah he does.” And that’s really nice. But get this, falling in love is a lot like drug addiction and temporary insanity, at least chemically speaking.


Posted: November 30, 2011

Some times there’s some unfinished business with certain relationships – where instead of sorting things at the core we get impatient and move on – another job another relationship. Trying to fit in the picture “frame” we have created in our heads. Sadly, a lot of times, sufficient time is not given to sort things out – specially in the corporate world to re align people as per fitment into another roles. They are often labeled as “incompetent” or non achievers and either made to quit or given a role which makes them non productive. The end results go deeper. The “non – performer” is judged by the last job done and carries the cross for the rest of his career.

To Cheat Or Not To Cheat…

Posted: November 7, 2011

The balance is a delicate one, sure. But sometimes yielding is exactly what we need to do because the temptation itself has become the problem and doing what we want to do, consequences be damned, is the healthiest choice.  If one’s fight against temptation has resulted in living a lie, that lie itself is the Devil’s bondage. 

The November Full Moon

Posted: November 6, 2011

Two events are likely to put our feet on the ground on Nov. 10. The Full Moon in earthy Taurus is a reminder to return to basics and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Whatever complexities might exist in relationships, it’s helpful to step away from them long enough to feel the comforting touches of nature and appreciate good music and food.

Ace of Wands & Moving On

Posted: November 5, 2011

The Ace of Wands is a positive sign to march ahead. This is an immensely action-oriented card, which focuses on inspiration and creativity. It’s about implementing your new ideas or a project you may be thinking off. gives a sense of feeling incredibly inspired and enthusiastic about pursuing a new idea or project that you have in mind. It’s a good time to listen to your inner voice and move ahead with confidence.