You have to take time to invest in your friendships. Being a good friend requires making that effort to stay in touch, meet often and keep sharing your story.
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Want To Be Happy? Let Go Of Expectations.
Posted: August 23, 2017
Love and respected cannot be asked for or even demanded. Yes, we can hope for it. But when people choose to hold them away from you, recognise it for what it is. Make space in your life to create your own happiness.
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What To Do When You Hate Your Job
Posted: August 12, 2017
First of all, it is a sad situation that the work you do, does not make you satisfied or give a sense of accomplishment. You career is a big part…
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The Stubborn, Unbending, Persistent Lunar Eclipse In Aquarius 7th Aug 2017
Posted: August 6, 2017
Most astrologers seem to agree on the fact that the month of August 2017 looks incredibly intense, with some already feeling the heat of the oncoming eclipses. With an impending…
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Rules Of Happiness & Why It Is Overrated…
Posted: August 5, 2017
There are those who claim they don’t chase it, yet seek the perfection of harmony in a relationship which is as elusive as the holy grail. Yet, they pursue –…
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The Truth About Vulnerability
Posted: May 25, 2017
vul•ner•a•ble: capable of being physically or emotionally wounded or being open to attack or damage. The bitter truth about being vulnerable is: it’s misunderstood. Remember the times, you were asked…
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5 Signs Your Relationship Is For Keeps
Posted: May 17, 2017
We often look at love as the elixir that will save us from life. We get romantically involved and at times, more often than not, bad relationships make us wonder…
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3 Ways To Untangle Your Life
Posted: May 14, 2017
Have Faith In The Process: We all go through painful situations in life that can make us feel stuck. The situation may feel like an unending tunnel without any light…
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Gone Too Soon….
Posted: March 1, 2017
Like A Comet, Blazing ‘Cross The Evening Sky Gone Too Soon Like A Rainbow, Fading In The Twinkling Of An Eye Gone Too Soon Like The Loss Of Sunlight, On A Cloudy Afternoon…
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Are You With A Soulmate Or A Wound mate?
Posted: January 27, 2017
We often get confused between our soulmate and wound mate. One operates out of love and another ego. It can be amazingly confusing as signals received from both can be…