Gone Too Soon….

Posted: March 1, 2017 by admin

Like A Comet, Blazing ‘Cross The Evening Sky 
Gone Too Soon
Like A Rainbow, Fading In The Twinkling Of An Eye
Gone Too Soon
Like The Loss Of Sunlight, On A Cloudy Afternoon
Gone Too Soon
Like A Castle, Built Upon A Sandy Beach
Gone Too Soon (MJ) 

I think in a way we always grieve. About our innocence, about loving fiercely, carelessly and about losing people we love dearly too early to death.

I accept that many things in life are a mystery and maybe there is peace in accepting things as there are. We  can have lengthy theological discussions about God, his existence or even question the “higher power” and have endless debates on why good people need to suffer and the evil one’s get away with murder. Do people who die young or in bizarre accidents or illnesses didn’t deserve to live longer? Do people who live long lives have some unfinished business from the past? Karma? Are things “meant to be”?

Maybe some of us are destined to live longer as our soul still needs to evolve more, learn more lessons, be it through challenging family or work situations….maybe people who die young were evolved souls …maybe they taught us quickly or left us in a space which forced our soul growth or evolvement. Maybe we would have never been ready if these people had not touched our lives or transformed us in some way.  This is very likely.

When people experience a near death experience, it makes them look at life with a totally different perspective. They tend to do a sifting of what’s important and what’s not and start focussing on doing things they love. It’s not strange to find people post this experience to give up their high flying careers and pursue a path of pure happiness. I call it the “soul walk” Cliched as it may be, the realisation that there is a price to pay for each extra buck that is earned and what we are losing along the way cannot be replaced again, can be a very humbling experience. So, in a  way, near death or traumatic experiences are good in a twisted way. They set us free.  They remove the fear of how we are perceived. It becomes easier to shed pretences, not be worried about tags, societal pressures and pursue a life which is in sync with the soul.

For me, losing someone drove me to push myself to connect within myself and listen closely to what my soul wanted. There are times, when I do feel I can’t see the path ahead clearly, but through my darkest and challenging times I have formed the deepest bond with myself. I no longer ignore the voice inside, I know it has held me in good faith – in fact at times, that is all I had.

When we learn to move away from fear, feel free to pursue what we love, connect with people authentically and change the negative experience to self growth, we create a space of happiness.

I don’t think death is a terrible thing…yes, the loss it creates for the people it leaves behind can be devastating and even debilitating . But if, what if we were to consider,  that a soul is just here for an x period of time doing it’s chosen task… whether it was something that it had come to learn or that it had come to share. Maybe,  that soul chose to be in your life for just that short time, so it could enrich you for the rest of yours… Maybe that was the only goal of that soul…

Grieving, I feel should be embraced, accepted and not shamed or shunned. When people near you grieve, rather than feel incredulous on their inability after so many years of still grieving, empathise. We shouldn’t be made to feel bad about a loss that happened years back. Of course, one should not be in a constant state of mourning or not be connected with the present. Acceptance in fact is a state of being in the present, in the now.

We all seek happiness through some form of perfection in our lives and at times the perfection becomes the journey and the goal. The truth is, life doesn’t always give you what you think you want. Life does give you some truly wonderful opportunities and some average one’s….but true happiness is entirely dependent on the experience you are choosing to respond with.


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